GTO Conversion

GTO Conversion


Heidelberg GTO users may now upgrade your services & create profit! Now you can print and apply UV & Aqueous coating with the same press! Built with the same integrity and reliability as your Heidelberg Press, together the Kompac Kwik Koat & Kwik Kure create a one of a kind solution to UV & Aqueous coating! Convert that unused & unprofitable single or multi-color GTO 46/52 & Printmaster to the most flexible and profitable coating system on the market today. Whether your press is equipped with conventional, DDS or Alcolor dampeners, simply replace your existing dampening system with the patented Kompac Kwik Koat – coating unit and complete the conversion with the Kompac Kwik Kure – conveyor and curing station. 


Print and Coat

Add a Kompac Automatic Dampening System to the conversion and continue to print. Design engineered to utilize the existing mounting hardware, the Kompac Automatic Dampening System installs in minutes. Remove the Kwik Koat, wheel back the Kwik Kure and install the Kompac Dampening System for superior print quality. Remove the dampener, reinstall the Kwik Koat and Kwik Kure and coat that same job you just printed.


“Patented” Kompac Coating System

  • Provides on-the-fly coating adjustments
  • Produces the highest quality gloss and a perfect finish every time
  • EZ to clean and change coatings – With the patented “Kompac Vac” and our environmentally friendly UV Klean, coating change and clean up takes 5 minutes